Terapia génica suicida

Un tratamiento contra parásitos combate el cáncer de próstata

“We discovered that this specific substance is blocking the signaling pathway in the cancer cells, and make them stop growing. It is not often that researchers discover a substance that targets specific molecules as precisely as this one,” says Professor Karl-Henning Kalland at the department of clinical science, at UiB and leader of the research group, in a statement.

His team’s research found nitazoxanide (NTZ), an approved anti-parasitic therapy, decomposed activated Beta-catenin.Beta-catenin is a protein found in high amounts in both prostate and colon cancer cells. The protein is critical for tumor progression–its activation not only promotes cell division but makes the cancer cells more resistant and increases their chance of survival. The research team found that NTZ hinders the activated Beta-catenin. However, it also appears that this hindering stimulates central parts of the immune system that attacks cancer cells.” At the moment, we are working on how to strengthen our ongoing immune therapy against prostate cancer by using the mechanisms we discovered of the NTZ,” said Kalland.

Kalland and his research team are in the first phase of a clinical trial using immune therapy against prostate cancer (cryoIT).

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